Thursday, February 4, 2010

Play Boosts Intelligence. Serious Health Support.

You might enjoy reading about the National Institute for Play [National Institute for Play]. The research by Stuart Brown, M.D., clearly reveals the benefits of a playful attitude and shows that it is much more than a child's activity.

In my trainings with Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. we were regularly reminded that when patients are experiencing the deep psychological work that he calls Applied Psycho-Neurobiology, we practitioners should be "playfully inquisitive." That describes a kind of "play" in which the practitioner is flowing with what is important to the client rather than attempting to push events into an expected outcome.

Dr. Brown presents his material in a video that is available at the link above about his National Institute for Play. He says that play is something that adults need to do, and that it is a very intellectually stimulating activity that allows the person to move beyond the confines of rigid expectations.

This has important implications for those who are exploring the benefits of Mindfulness as described so well by our team member Charles Gant, M.D. When combined with a mindful observation of one's actions during a time of playfulness, a person can benefit from a "snapshot" of how their inner processes are working.

Sometimes the results of such a "Mindfulness snapshot" are reaffirming of our grounded and self-confident approach to life. But sometimes a person may be able to observe how they are not as flexible or creative as they would like to be. The First Aid for this is to be mindful and not allow room for disrespecting one's self. The "Cure" is to explore more deeply for hidden effects of things such as "toxic memories" and other disturbing factors that limit our autonomic nervous system's self-correcting mechanisms.

Dr. Klinghardt's Applied Psycho-Neurobiology and other techniques that are offered at NIHA by Scott Richards and Maureane O'Shaugnessy can be very powerful ways to remove "toxic memories" from childhood or traumas later in life.

The NES ProVision technology that I often use is another way of checking the functional strength of the "human bodyfield" including factors that can affect mental health. This is sometimes called a NES biophysics scan because it is based on a quantum physics approach to understanding the deeper functions of human health. The NES scan includes assessment of the bodyfield information patterns that affect emotions and mental health. This can sometimes provide major clues to the puzzle of "why can't I play?"

So, if you don't happen to feel like being playful after you have read this, check out the information linked above and consider seeing me or one our integrative medicine team. We can help you to remove the blockages to self healing and smooth out distortions in the unconscious information stored inside you.

And, speaking as a doctor of natural medicine, remember that this is the Winter season and that gradually the new energies of the Springtime will be adding their uplifting effect to your life.

Enjoy your Journey. Come visit me if you need some help doing that.

---Dr. Wilson